Kimberly Roberts Bio

I began my career as a Therapeutic Massage Therapist March 7, 1997. My training was with Hands On Therapy in Mesquite TX and within 2 years I received training in the CORE Release technique out of Florida also known as Myofascial Release and Structural Integration.
The training combined gives me over 1000 hours of hands on work plus the countless hours of working with clients over the years; specializing in helping the client feel better with a return to an active life style as soon as possible is just one of my many goals. Whether the client needs relaxation or deep tissue work, I am ready to help.
In 2000, I attended Ogle Beauty School in Arlington TX where I received training in skin care. My training was a wonderful experience which has opened the door to a whole new clientele. I love taking care of the skin. Watching quality products transform the skin into a beautiful work of art led me to my next adventure.
In 2002 I became a Master Permanent Cosmetic Technician. I returned to Arlington TX to study with the American Institute of Intra-dermal Cosmetics, another wonderful move in my career path. The past many years as a permanent cosmetic tech opened yet another door to meet new and wonderful people and to help them look beautiful in the process. It is such a blessing to work with clients who just want to look great and feel great.
I attended the same accredited school the same year 2002 and received my Piercing training. Tasteful Piercing portion opened yet another door. The way I see it, our teenagers are going to want piercings and will try to do it behind closed doors if they do not have a clean calm environment to come to. The parents come as well which is awesome because they trust my work.
A piercing will not be done to anyone under the age of 18 without their parent’s or guardian’s signature and being present. This career has led me on a path that I never could have dreamed of all those years ago. The piercings I choose to do, DO NOT include tongues, or anything below the belt. There are other places out there that will and do offer those services. I just choose not to go there.
After a lifetime of struggling with weight issues and knowing that I had to get healthy or I would become just another patient waiting in yet another doctor’s office waiting and searching for yet another pill or some kind of solution, I found myself with full blown diabetes at the age of 53. I knew I had to do something different and do it NOW. My doctor was so kind to advise that I seek a nutritionist and gave me a name of a lady. I went with nothing else to loose but my health. In just 3 short months my A1C had gone from 8.0 to 5.8. I am proud to say that my A1C is now 5.5 and I am no longer a diabetic. Nothing but eating clean the right foods and the right amounts. I have been so successful that the Lord has opened the door yet again and you guessed it, I walked through. I am not a Master Certified Nutrition and Wellness Coach with an awesome highly accredited school. Nutritious Life has been the absolute best training I have received to date. The goal here is to help people reach the best nutritious life possible for them individually. I will continue to do exactly what I’ve done for all these years, help others feel and look better and now, be the best healthy you possible.
The Lord has blessed me in so many ways with bringing so many people through the doors of Hands of Life Day Spa and I look forward to watching Him continue to work.
Hands Of Life Day Spa is a clean, calm environment to come in, relax, get a facial, massage, permanent cosmetics, get healthy and yes, even your nose pierced. What a wonderful combination to be able to offer the public in this wonderful town of Sulphur Springs, TX.
Kimberly N. Roberts
Hands Of Life Day Spa
101 Bill Bradford Rd#22
Sulphur Springs, TX 75482
(903)885-9393 (903)243-9393